
42 results

Businesses in Bulgaria see 2021 slightly better than 2020 but worries remain

Businesses in Bulgaria see 2021 slightly better than 2020 but worries remain

Lack of liquidity remains the biggest problem for companies, according to the traditional BIA survey

Yanis Varoufakis: Bulgaria's entry into the eurozone would be a mistake

Yanis Varoufakis: Bulgaria's entry into the eurozone would be a mistake

The thinker, writer and ex-Greek finance minister talks to K Insights on the EU and why the Recovery and Resilience package was a mistake

ING Bank, Sofia: Our clients are very open to doing business more sustainably

ING Bank, Sofia: Our clients are very open to doing business more sustainably

Grzegorz Konieczny, Country Head, ING Bank Sofia and Marina Kobakova, Head of Sector Coverage, ING Bank, Sofia

Leading Bulgarian Diplomat: "North Macedonia needs to read the past before burning it"

Leading Bulgarian Diplomat: "North Macedonia needs to read the past before burning it"

Bulgaria’s veto on its neighbor’s accession talks with the EU stems from broken promises on Macedonia’s side but an outcome favorable to both countries is still possible

The Week: A shipwreck of a state, record low interest rates and how to find friends in Bulgaria

The Week: A shipwreck of a state, record low interest rates and how to find friends in Bulgaria

COVID-19 mortality is still very high, a 30% rise in gas prices

Extreme weather: What’s Bulgaria’s plan to tackle its effects?

Extreme weather: What’s Bulgaria’s plan to tackle its effects?

A summer of scorching heat and forest fires across the mountainous country put people and nature at risk, highlighting the need for the state to be better prepared

Bankruptcies on the rise. That's not as bad as it sounds

Bankruptcies on the rise. That's not as bad as it sounds

The number of companies that ceased operations in the first four months of 2021 rose by 15% year-on-year. Meanwhile, newly registered firms are also increasing.

The week: Is Bulgaria the limp pig of EU regulation, coal is (still) here, minimum wage surpasses Montenegro

The week: Is Bulgaria the limp pig of EU regulation, coal is (still) here, minimum wage surpasses Montenegro

Also: New Parliament is up, as well as the new 12 bn. Leva Plan

Banking is going through a fundamental transformation

Banking is going through a fundamental transformation

Banks need to shift to customer-specific approach, the head of the EIB representation for Bulgaria Teodor Radonov tells Kapital Insights

Mortgage lending did not bend to the pandemic

Mortgage lending did not bend to the pandemic

The overall property loan volume in Bulgaria grew in 2020 as demand remained high even during the pandemic

Fast Reads

Fast Reads

The last strong year

The last strong year

The revenues and profits of the largest companies in Bulgaria increased rapidly last year but the Covid-19 crisis has put an end to a decade of growth

Is it tomorrow yet?

Is it tomorrow yet?

In his new book, Bulgarian political scientist Ivan Krastev looks at the world after the Corona

Software and fintech: Code growth

Software and fintech: Code growth

In 2019, the top 20 companies saw a fresh two-digit increase in revenues; demand for specialists remained strong despite the pandemic

No water to clean the garbage

No water to clean the garbage

Many Bulgarian towns live on water rationing and next to piles of imported waste because of intentional neglect by the authorities.

With its head buried in the coal

With its head buried in the coal

Bulgaria is the only EU Member State with a significant coal sector that hasn’t begun restructuring

What should Bulgaria expect from the euro?

What should Bulgaria expect from the euro?

It is now clear that euro zone membership has improved the economic performance of new member states